Thursday, April 8, 2010


Ok, so I came up with this joke today. Granted it was while one of my friends was telling a similar common lame joke. I added onto it and like it much better. Feel free to use this if you need a good segue into talking to a girl or getting attention at a party. Not for free though. Each laugh=$3.00.

Person 1: What do you call a confused dinosaur?

Person 2: I don't know, what?

Person 1: Trannysaurus!

People all around: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Total price for Radcliff: $21.00 plus tax.

Total love and admiration and friends for you: Endless.

There's some things money can't buy. One of them is popularity. But you can buy jokes from me that will win you popularity. Think about it.

Soupy Twist.


  1. Trannysaurus? That's pretty great. But what was the original joke? Doesn't seem like that could be similar to another joke...

  2. What do you call a lesbian dinosaur? Lickalotapus.
    What do you call a gay dinosaur? Megasoreass

  3. Oh my Rad. So this is what I get for playing catch up on your blog. Haha. The only posts I will not read are your lost ones. I still need to catch up eventually on that show, But I am still a season and a half now behind.

  4. I like lame jokes, but that was horrible. If you you find a girl who laughs at that, marry her.

