Wow. Is anyone else out there in shock? Lost came back from it's week hiatus and blew our minds (and certain other precious cargo) to smithereens. This is what it has come to. These are the stakes.
Jin! Sun! Sayid! Lapidus!? Well, we don't care so much about you and your fate is still uncertain, but Sayid and the Kwons are gone! How shocking and awful?! But I'm getting ahead of myself.
The Island World basically picked up where we left off two weeks ago except our castaways had been moved from the beach at gun point to the old Hydra cages at gun point. There was a pointed reference to Season 3 as Widmore threated Kate's life to get Sawyer to cooperate and put down the gun he had stolen off a red shirt neo other. Last time Kate and Sawyer were here, it was Sawyer's life hanging on Kate's decision to cooperate with red shirt vintage others. (Or maybe retro other... vintage others would probably be in Dharma past). Sawyer, of course, gave it up. Meanwhile Jack awakes to find he too is on Hydra Island with Sayid and FLocke. The plan? Rescue his friends. Get off this effing island once and for all. This escape seems it's what a lot of this season has been leading up to and I was surprised how easy it seemed to be going. FLocke went all Smokey and offed a bunch of neo others while Jack released his captive friends. They all made their way to the plane where, after pointedly swiping a wrist watch, FLocke found C4 on the plane rigged to explode as soon as they turned the plane on. Hey, maybe this guy is really on their side. Maybe he's telling the truth. Maybe all he really wants is to get off this island and be out of Jacob's grasp like he has been saying. They decide to commandere the submarine which went a lot easier that expected as well. Something has to happen right? Then Kate got shot. I'm not going to lie. I gasped a little bit. These neo others are suprisingly bad shots however and everyone else made it on the sub execpt Claire and FLocke who Saywer purposely abandoned. The sub departed. They were home safe. Saving Kate even looked hopeful with the T-shirt in Jack's bag to provide pressure. They were home free. But there was no T-shirt in Jack's bag. Just the bomb from the plane and the wristwatch counting down...
We now know FLocke's end game. Get them all into one place and end it. After all, he did tell Jacob just this in "Ab Aeterno" a couple episodes ago:
Jacob: So you tried to kill me?
MIB(Man In Black- Pre-Flock): You expect an apology?
Jacob: No, I guess I'm just wondering why you did it.
MIB: Because I want to leave. Just let me leave Jacob.
Jacob: As long as I'm alive you're not going anywhere.
MIB: Well then you know why I want to kill you. And I will kill you Jacob.
Jacob: Even if you do somebody else will take my place.
MIB: Well, then I'll kill them too.
So, as we know, MIB did succeed in killing Jacob. The Candidates-
A Lost Blogger on Jeff "Doc" Jensen wrote something really great I wanted to post here. In response to people complaints that these two were never individuals. They were always Jin & Sun. He wrote:
What the hell is so wrong with only focusing on Jin and Sun as a marital unit? Let me tell you what's wrong with that: Nothing. I think it's awesome that Lost chose to tell us a story about two people who took their marriage seriously, who worked through their problems when their union was in crisis, who forgave each other for their sins and redeemed their transgressions by using them as opportunities to build a stronger relationship (Jin's admission in ''Ji Yeon'' that he was basically responsible for Sun's infidelity was a powerful expression of grace and reflection), who saw themselves a better and greater when they were together than apart. I am grateful that Lost told that story.
I agree.
Now we know that MIB is in fact quite evil. The villain of this show, and if he were to escape the Island bad things would happen indeed.
Theory time! There is a lot of debate about what Sayid meant when he said, "It's going to be you Jack." My take? I think it's obvious. He's the one to take Jacob's place when then defeat the Man in Black once and for all. He will be the new Jacob. And I think Man of Faith Jack will happily accept this as part of his destiny. Kate may even stay and be his hottie island goddess. (THAT's a show I'd watch.)
Neat info! The Man In Black is also the name of the villain of Stephen King's Dark Tower series. This series and The Stand are some of the Executive Producers main inspirations in the saga that is Lost.
The Sideways world was pretty cool and all as we found out more about Locke's back story, but nothing really notable enough to discuss on here. Why does this exist?! Please give us a good answer!
One more thing! I love what they're doing with Saywer. He is now responsible for a Jughead size f*** up. Nothing short of this would have allowed him to forgive Jack. Now, for the first time ever, they can truly join forces to fight something a much greater evil. And the Island needs them to work together.
Next episode is entitled, "Beyond the Sea." I have been told that it is a Jacob and Smokey flashback episode and if that's the case... wow. Hello answers! Hello crazy mind blowing story! Hello finding out exactly who those bloody skeletons are! Also, Beyond the Sea, was the song that Rousseau wrote all over her maps that Sayid enlisted Shannon's help to translate. That episode ended with Shannon singing Beyond the Sea in French. I've always really loved that moment and I love that this title references that. But whatever happens next week, expect me to blue myself.
I know!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteHaha! That was just so amazing and horrible and sad! Their deaths didn't really hit me until Hurley started crying. When Hurley is crying you KNOW things are bad. *sob* It just goes to show how much I am not theorizing or even thinking while watching Lost, just absorbing, because I totally forgot what the MIB said to Jacob about killing those who replace Jacob. Otherwise it would have been so obvious that MIB was trying to kill them not get off the island (though he wants to do that too). I mean I knew there would be a blood bath, people just have to die, so I am expecting this show isn't going to have many people left alive by the end of it. I agree with you about Jack being the next Jacob. I could see Hurley too, and Jack sacrificing his life for it all. I think it would be better for Jack to be the next Jacob and Hurley be his cool second in command. Kate and Sawyer are obviously a couple and will die together as such. Jack and Kate have never worked out. Jack was meant to be an eccentric, spiritual leader who lives a monastic life to keep MIB from leaving the island. I think that is probably why he has never been able to keep a woman! Not even in sideways world!
Anyway, I like what you posted up from that guy Jeff. It is so true! It is because people have such a low view of marriage now a days. It is no longer seen as desirable or sacred or worth anything at all. Jin and Sun were a beautiful couple whose story was one of faithfulness, forgiveness, and deep love. *cry* My only hope that their daughter and Aaron (along with Penny's child Charlie) will all live on and be happy together even though their parents couldn't!
Oh! And it is good you remembered the Beyond the Sea reference! I didn't. That is really cool! Eeeek! Can't wait!
I pretty much agree. I was kind of surprised by how much FLocke knows. I hadn't realized it until this episode. Like him taking the watch to later put on the bomb and him knowing that some of the candidates are still alive.
ReplyDeleteAnd yeah, that quote was way good. Pretty sweet, really.
Just watched the episode tonight and can't wait to see the next one in a few days!
Danielle, THANK YOU for calling attention to Hurley's sobs of anguish. I meant to talk about it. Pretty haunting and incredible moment. Hurley started out in this show as pretty much the only weak acting link, but over the years he has really picked it up and that moment felt as real as anything else we've seen over six season. Kudos Jorge Garcia!
ReplyDeleteI REALLY like the idea of Jack sacrificing himself for Hurley to be the new Jacob. That would be amazing. But you're WAY off about Sawyer and Kate being a couple. In a season all about soul mates, it's quite obvious who's Saywer was. Juliet, all the way. It's Jack and Kate. It always has been. The reason it didn't work out off island was because they were never supposed to leave and so nothing worked out the way it should have. I'm still holding to my guns with one of my very first Lost theories that Jack and Kate will be the skeletons they found in the cave in episode six of season one or whatever it was. "I'm not going to be your Eve" Kate retorted at the time. But she is and she always was. An interesting thing I just thought of is the white/black rocks they found on the skeletons. Jack's a candidate. Kate is not. Could this be related to the rocks? We will see.