Sunday, May 9, 2010

Tip of the Day(ish): Douche bags

It never ceases to amaze me the guys you girls go for sometimes. I know you all have this weird thing for bad boys (or emo ones if we want to Twilight-ize and modernize this a bit), but seriously what's that about? You go for this d-bag wearing a Coors T-shirt that doesn't even do a good enough job hiding the stomach hump caused by said beer. He, delusionally, not only thinks he's cool for being able to grow facial hair, but actually goes out of his way to shave it into a goatee.  He keeps a gun in his truck and you're somehow surprised when you find out he's an unintelligent mongoloid? All of this on top of the fact that he's obsurdly unattractive. C'MON GIRLS!! REALLY?! I mean it's a free country, but if you date this guy, and only then realize his family line should never be carried on you better not come crying to me with your sadness. Seriously. I'll lock you out in the rain if you have to. You've been warned. Never date these douchy guys.

And this has been your tip of the day.

Blogs and Kisses.


  1. I'm pretty sure you warned me about all of these things already. Thanks for the reminder! lol

  2. Okay, Rad! I won't date any douche bag guys!

  3. Oh, wait...just remembered my gender. These things happen. Sorry. :'(

  4. Haha! This actually good advice. Girls have issues. What can I say?

  5. You can say something about the war, because everyone likes to talk about the war.

  6. Not to defend them, but jerks at least have the guts to ask girls out. They don't fear rejection, they just move on to the next girl. I don't see sweet, smart, sensitive men chasing women down the street for a phone number; nice guys are usually sitting in the corner wondering why they're single.

