Friday, June 4, 2010

Movie Review: "Shrek Forever After"

Oh the humanity! Why did we need another Shrek movie?! Quick answer: The last one made more than it cost. Who cares if they were stretching the story of one film over the span of four! As long as there's butts in the seats! It seems as if this is going to be last in this series. That's what they say at least, but they also said that about many other one-named sequel spawning monsters (Freddie, Jason, Jigsaw, Carrie [that's Carrie Bradshaw from Sex and the City. Not Carrie from Carrie based on the novel Carrie by Stephen King {though that sported at least one unnecessary sequel and/or remake as well}]).  However we still have to suffer through this movie and as it so proudly boats, "It's not ogre till its ogre." Who wants to bet the tag-line for Shrek Five-Ever After will be, "It wasn't ogre."

Anyway this movie thinks up some other ridiculous obstacle to put in the way of our favorite two ogre's true happiness. This fumbling of originality is of course covered in a very pretty, fairy-tale-spoofing package. Like with any satirical series that goes on long after it runs out of gas, (Glee anyone?) it has become almost a mockery of itself. Proof of these "creative minds" (awkward, pubescent cousin to Criminal Minds on CBS) losing their touch is clearly evidenced by the plot: Mid-life crisis Shrek gets sucked into an alternate universe and has to re-woo Fiona before the sun comes up or he and his old life cease to exist. If you've resorted to other dimensions, you should probably just pack it in right now. The only story to ever make this sub plot OK was Power Rangers and that's only because all those other dimensions ever consisted of were huge battle rooms adorned with constant fake fog. Maybe, also, it's because I was a kid then, I didn't really understand what was going on, and I though 'alternate dimension' was that studio that made the Mortal Kombat movies (which were, coincidentally enough, often shot in battle rooms with constant fake fog.)

Anyway this is all because of a curse put on by Rumplestilskin who makes a deal with Shrek blah blah blah. I don't care. Neither should you. It's pointless really. It is a completely harmless film. OKish to take the kids too. It's not good Dreamworks like Panda or Dragon but it's not awful Dreamworks like Madagascar or Shark Tale. It falls somewhere in the middle. Its probably even better than the last Shrek film which was just a retread of the second one which was a fancy retread of the first one which was a decently clever retread of Beauty and the Beast. If you miss this you're not missing anything. If you see it you're not totally wasting two hours of your life.  I do want to point out one really ridiculous thing though. One thing that re-proves, even though they had a kinda decent year, that Dreamworks is still a one trick donkey:


Soupy Twist


  1. They ain't gonna finish the franchise till they've made Shreck's end of life crisis.

  2. I appreciate your opinion on shrek, although consider this. One could consider the point of a movie...a kids movie for that matter. A movie has the ability to stand as two hours of freedom. Freedom from stress, the trials of reality, and the present morbid undertone. Shrek was an exuse to continue a story that could have been ended after the first, I can not disagree with you on that point. But it was also an exuse to make people laugh and enjoy themselves. And although Man With a Beard ( disregarding the fact that he can not even spell the title of the movie) makes a good point, their is a crisis...a forbidden love in a sense. But unlike reality, there is a happily ever after and I think that is why the movie works. Like you once said to me, something can be bad but so great. This movie is not needed, but yet you couldnt help but see it.

  3. Well touche Ms. Madden. Seems as if i've found myself a worthy rival. Yes i couldn't help seeing it. I walked it 15 times a day and curiosity got the best of me. Granted, most of the reason was so i could make fun of it in this review BUT i will admit that a little part of me did want to watch it. You're correct: Shrek is good escapism. Is there better? Yes. Out in theaters right now? Nope. This summer seems determined to reach all time highs with the amount of crap in cinemas. I hope you keep reading.

  4. Haha yeah I am not sure if I want to see this one, I love the first 3. I though they all had good lessons and great humor, but not so sure on this one.

