Friday, December 31, 2010

Best TV Shows of 2010 1-2

Well here it is. The big moment. The moment you all (and by you all, I mean me and two others) have been waiting for for three long days. Surprisingly we had a couple people guess, and I was very impressed wtih their knowledge of me. Addisen, I'm not suprised you knew what was going on, but Danielle, color me surprised! I don't ever remember preaching Mad Men to you. Well done to both but, alas, only one can win. And to be honest I didn't even decide which order these two would go in until right now. I landed on a compromise I'm happy with so lets get down to business because I have to shower and go complain about my exorcism neighbors and pay my rent before work. Blerg

2. Mad Men

Now lets get one things straight. Mad Men is the best show on TV. Maybe ever. It has peerless writing and incredible acting from everyone in the cast. It's an unflinching portrayal of these peoples lives in this particular time in history and as far as historical accuracy goes, it's flawless. This season brought us possibly the best Mad Men Episode to date with The Suitcase. A nearly two man show between Don and Peggy. It was incredible roller coaster ride into their lives, minds and emotions. And Jon Hamm and Elizabeth Moss have never been better. I can't say anything negative about this show. So why is it at number two? Because it's my list and I do what I want. Mad Men, though phenomenal, doesn't give me the crazy, rewatchable joy that my number one pick does. So without further ado, I give you my pic for the Best Television Show of 2010....

1. Community

Is anyone really that surprised? No this show isn't perfect. It has several flaws. But when it's on, its ON. Its very smart and VERY funny but can also take the time to be very sweet as well. It's a show that do an episode where they have legitimate zombies and then tone it down for a one on one conversation containing great character development and heart. It can do anything. Its a show that just gives me great joy to watch and share. When my family was in town we hung out, ate, talked, and watched Community. It was terrific. It's a show that can bring people together. It's a show that can cause me to write horribly cliched sentences like the previous one. It's just a terrific show. It's the kind of show that I would want to work on. Hell, its the kind of show that I would want to live in. And it's the kind of show that I'm going to be watching and sharing for many years to come and that's what makes it the Best Show of 2010

So there we are. That was fun. Thanks everyone for participating. Addisen you will get you passes. And I will post one of these for the best films of 2010 as well when I've seen all in contention which should be some time next month so stay tuned. And until then my friends it's a good night from me.

Soupy Twist.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Best TV Shows of 2010 3-4

Ok I know I only posted the last post like six hours ago, but its my day off and that happens so rarely, I have NO idea what to do with myself, so I'm just laying in bed refreshing Facebook. I figured this would be more proactive.

#4. Dexter

Dexter had a tricky feat to pull off this season- following last season. Last season was incredible. Everyone knows it. John Lithgow and the writers brought us the best Dexter season yet and probably the best television show of last year. If I had made a list last year, Dex would have likely topped it. And it all ended with the "HOLY WTF??!?!?!" gut punch. Those who have seen it know what I'm talking about. Those who haven't shouldn't be reading this. Anyway how do you follow a season that is a shock a minute until the end? Dexter answered this question by crafting a much quieter season and it worked to great effect. Yes, it picked up toward the end like they all do, but much of it was slow and methodical. One of the things I credit to this season is the writing. It felt so natural and real. Story lines evolved in a way that didn't feel like a television show and that's a compliment. Seeds were planted in the first couple episodes that didn't bloom until the last couple. That's good writing. Top it all off with some amazing moments for Dexter and Michael C. Hall. That dude needs to win an Emmy. Julia Stiles guest starred this season and just in case someone hasn't caught up, I won't tell you what her role is, but she was pretty terrific. The story that goes on between her character and Dexter are some of the most touching and poignant ever on the show. And if a show about killing people can pull off being legitimately moving well, that's a testament to the power of the show as a whole.

#3. 30 Rock

I'm kind of a Tina Fey whore. I love her. I love everything she does. I think she's probably the funniest woman on the planet. But I don't just love 30 Rock for Tina Fey. I love it for Jack. I love it for Jenna. I love it for Kenneth. I love it for Liz. I love how much Liz loves eating. I love Liz and Jacks relationship. I love the numerous times Liz's name has been turned into some form of the word 'Lesbian' for a joke. I love the endless stream of terrific guest stars from Jon Hamm to Elizabeth Banks. From Matt Damon to the hysterical Michael Sheen. I love pretty much everything about 30 Rock. Why does it deserve #3? Because it make me laugh harder at something than I've ever laughed at anything in my entire life. How?This clip right here...

Oh 30 Rock. What would I do without you?

Tomorrow I will list the two best TV shows I watched this year. Same deal goes. Guess them = free movie. Hell, if anyone even cares enough to even read or comment on this, I'll probably buy them sushi or something.

Soupy Twist.

Best TV Shows of 2010 5-6

I've decided that for every remaining day of 2010 I will count down two of the six best TV shows I watched in 2010. I watch a lot of TV. A LOT. Thats why my room mate calls me Abed sometimes. And there's a very good chance there's several shows I'm not even remembering at this point that could potentially habitate this list. But these are the stand outs. Is habitate a word? I'm kinda tired and it's kinda late. There's a little red dotty line underneath it, but it sounds right on my brain. Oh well. I'm sure that one of you will tell me what word I meant there. Onto the count down.

6. Lost

If this ranking was bases on the series finale alone it would probably land at number one. However, before the finale there were 16 episodes of highs and lows. All in all it was quite a satisfying season, but loses points for all the meandering story-lines that had characters bouncing back and for between sides and good and evil to keep the plot moving. Also lost points for amount of questions unaddressed. I know that the answers weren't the most important thing to the show runners in the final season. They were more concerned about the character resolutions as they should be. And if given the choice between a final season created to make fans happy with what they think they want and a final season of the creators of the show giving us the end game they always envisioned, I'd take the latter every time, and I respect the creators for having the balls to pull it off in a world where audience expect everything catered to their desires and intelligence levels. I do think, however, that they could have stopped the coy, "I'll give you an answer and two more questions," game midway through the season and just started telling us what the hell was going on. Anyway, gripe aside, it was a phenomenal ending to a phenomenal show, and still, I think, the most satisfying ending possible.

5. The Walking Dead

When I first heard they were making a zombie show, I'm sure I moaned a little (zombie pun INTENDED). I hate fads and sadly zombies are a fad right now. Then, I found out it was going to be on AMC, and that it would be produced by Frank Darabont of Shawshank Redemption and The Green Mile fame. Darabont also make The Mist which, I believe, is one of the best horror films of last decade. So I was intrigued. When the show debuted in October, I was from intrigued to amazed. The pilot was one of the best episodes of TV I have ever seen. It was smart and bold and beautiful and moving. AND IT WAS A BLOODY ZOMBIE SHOW!!! (Pun intended). The rest of the season failed to quite live up to the brilliance of that first episode but I honestly don't think anything could.  It wasn't really a zombie show. It was a human show. It presented zombies in a way that was smart and as realistic as possible considering they're the walking dead and stuff. The show is grounded with a terrific leading performance from Andrew Lincoln who sadly, up to this point, was unknown to me. He's incredible here as is all of the supporting cast. Points off for too short of a season and too long of a wait until it comes back on. Overall though this show has overwhelming potential, and I can't wait to see what it does with it.

Well that's it for today. Check back tomorrow for #4 and #3 on the countdown. If you can guess one or both of them I will give you a chocolate... or a free movie pass. And please share your thoughts on this. I know I'm going to get some grief for putting Lost so low, but I think I defended my reasoning well and there is a lot of good TV on right now. Until tomorrow...

Soupy Twist.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Worst Trailers: "Yogi Bear"

Yogi Bear. What is it? I never watched it growing up? Or did I? I don't remember. I know nothing about Yogi Bear. From this trailer I can infer that it's about a monotone bear who steals a bunch of food with overly clever contraptions. That's it.  No second or third dimension. No plot. No tricky underlying political message about Communism that was likely in the original (Those old cartoons are CRAZY. You ever watch Scooby Doo? Did you know he smoked weed? Brings a whole new meaning to Scooby snack don't it.)

Anyway there is no reason to ever make this into a big holiday feature length film, except that they're out of ideas and they're just grasping at straws. What is it about the holidays that make people flock to have 'film makers' throw their own fecal matter right into their waiting mouth and eyes? It's rank, bacteria infected fecal matter too! Yet we continue to go, year after year. It sickens me. I really hope that my eventual kid is smart. Please let her be smart. Because if she's stupid like nearly every other child in America she'll want to watch this stuff. And if she wants to watch this stuff then I have to be the bad guy and tell her, "No, honey, I will not let this abnoxious bear molest your brain." And then Social Services will take her away from me. And then my eventual hot super model wife will leave me for someone who does let their kids rot their own brain. And then I'll buy a lot of cats that look like Whitefat. And then I'll die alone, a gay prostitue in Long Island. And all of that because of how terrible Yogi Bear is going to be. Yogi Bear. Bastard. Let's take a look.

Effing annoying narrator guy comes in right from the beginning. It doesn't even have a chance of being good. Then Yogi, looking directly at the camera, says, "I'll take it from here Mr. Narrator!!" So, 1. He's aware that there's a narrator. 2. He's aware he's being filmed. Why the hell does this CGI remake bear also need to be self aware? Why? Biggest. Crapheap. Ever. The only decent thing is that it looks like the narrator is going to shut up now... nope he keeps talking. Damn. Now how did they get a boat. Why can they drive it? Where'd he learn to water ski on one foot like that? This trailer is already completely ludacris* and we're not even a third of the way in yet.

*And yes I spelled Ludacris like the hip hop star and not the actual correct grammatical way of spelling ludicrous. Go rap!

Then a huge belch shakes Jellystone National Park. We come to find out Boo Boo just had indigestion issue. Rule #1 of Comedy: BODY HUMOR IS ALWAYS FUNNY. If you're not smart enough to come up with a clever retort or a funny observation, just fart! It works every time. (If it doesn't work, fart louder or make fart sounds with your armpit. Someone will eventually laugh.) And then you can rest in the knowledge that, "Hey! If I made someone laugh I must be funny! I'm going to write a screenplay! Or a catch rap tune! And upload it to youtube!" And it's faulty thinking like this, that somehow won Andy Samberg a career. We live in the end of days.

Then, to the tune of a SUPER annoying pop song, we get to see Yogi fall down. Rule #2 of Comedy: PEOPLE GETTING HURT IS ALWAYS FUNNY. It doesn't even have to make sense! In this case it's a poorly created CGI bear that falls off a roof. Kids will laugh at that. Yes, kids will laugh at The Wiggles, which means kids will laugh at anything, which means kids don't know any better. But that's beside the point! The point is people (or bears) getting hurt is funny!!!!!  It's so funny that within literally two seconds the bear falls down again. It's like two funny jokes in one! Further proof that pain=humor- Jackass. Now it couldn't be that Jackass is just a group of neanderhtals who are too dense or drunk to keep a job that makes them money so they just mess around and do stupid shit with their friends. NO! JACKASS IS COMEDY GENIUS! Want proof? They slap a midget in the face. With a fish. In slow motion. In 3D. 'Nuff said. Pain is always funny.

The next bit is a montage that proves that if both Rule 1 and 2 (above) are true, then this movie is hilarious! Yogi hits a tree and falls down (Rule 2), Yogi spits something at the camera (Rule 1) Yogi gets hit in the head with a tree (2). Genius.

Boo Boo has got the moves. WHAT MOVES?!?! What does that mean? He turns on music. Is that move? Well i guess if you're a bear. Or if you want to impress lady bears... I still don't get it.

Yogi gets hit in the face with a pie (2).

Ugh. The bloody bear not only looked at the camera, but now he's pointing at us. "We're going to break the picnic barrier!" The only thing he's breaking is the fourth wall and it's pissing me off.

Then the bears go skydiving.

Then the bears give the people the razzle dazzle... WAIT A SECOND. Rewind. WHAT THE HELL???!! How do those bears go skydiving?!?!? Where'd they get a plane?!?! Who's flying it?!!?!?! Where did they take sky diving lessons at?!?! How did they afford them?!?! Bear prostitution? Is that what it means when Boo Boo has the moves? Is moves a euphemism for crabs? WHAT IS GOING ON?!!??!?

Back to the razzle dazzle. Oh yeah... the bear blows up a village. The horrible actor who is playing the Michael Jordan live action character just acts annoyed with Yogi the whole time. I'd put that damn bear down. I'd put it down with smile. High fiving a million angels. Boo ya. But seriously, why is that bear still alive.

I'm going to skip over the shameless and disgusting 3D plug. And move onto the bears and their turtle friend white water rafting. I'm become so accustom to this bs that that doesn't even seem like the craziest thing ever to me. WAIT! WHY THE HELL DOES THAT TURTLE HAVE SUCH A LONG TONGUE?!?!? Is it a magic turtle?!?!! I'm going to be having nightmares of this six foot tongue tonguing my face while I sleep and when I wake up it's just this turtle at my feet looking at me with perverted eyes. *Shudder*

More bs ensues with Yogi and Boo Boo flying some kind of contraption of their own design. I can't even deal with that right now.

Then we have the MJ character suggest that Yogi forage for food. This results is a grub popping out of one nostril and then being blown out the other (1). In 3D!!!!! Oh my God how many times does this movie need to shove down your throat that it's in 3D?!?!? Oh, then Yogi runs into a sign (2) and gets gets his bear butt dragged along a fence (2).

I've talked about a lot of Worst Trailers on this blog, but i'd venture to say that this may be the worst. Of all time. Ever. And that's really saying something.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Worst Trailers: "Tangled"

I know I have many friends and blollowers that will crucify me for this because they're too blinded by the fact that Disney is making another princess movie to realize that this one is going to be absolute shite. I'm really getting tired of computer animation too. Disney, just stick to what you do best somewhat decently: Make hand drawn animated films that make all girls think that someday their prince will come, and he'll be all square jawed and heroic. (Thanks a lot for that by the way. Bastards.) Don't try to be Pixar and make great computer animated films because you'll come off looking like you don't know what you're doing. Or even worse, you'll come off looking like Dreamworks. In fact I know the woman who was the Director of Photography on Toy Story 3 and she scoffed at how bad this movie looked. Now we may not see just exactly how crappy the lighting is in this film because we don't have the trained eye of a professional. She does. And she claims it sucks. I'm going to take her word for it. So now that we know the design blows, onto the story.

A cocky thief is super bad ass and evades capture all the time. We pause for a 'joke' about how the wanted posters of him aren't accurate because they keep mis-drawing his nose. I'm sorry, but I was a kid once and I still don't think I would have ever found that funny, clever, or necessary. But that was such a highlight of this film that they put it in the trailer. It can only go down from here. And down it goes. Annoying thief takes refuge in this giant tower in the middle of nowhere. Why? Because if you're running through the forest from the law the last place they'd look is the one civilized thing for miles around. It doesn't stick out like a ruggedly beautiful sore thumb at all. But we, of course, can't apply logic to this because the people behind this movie obviously weren't expecting the audience to think. They just need to mindlessly believe anything that happens so they can 'further' the 'plot'.

The next sequence is all about thief being attacked by some mysterious unseen force. We come to find out its this chicks hair. Now, I can't control my hair. I can't make it move or pick things up or throw cocky asses out a window to scare them. My hair isn't that long, but I have had it a lot longer than it is now and it still didn't have any super powers, except the power to make women swoon. So where do they get off giving this this princess the powers of Dr. Octopus? I think they realize the only way to make a princess movie remotely interesting or new they have to spice things up a bit and since not making a princess movie is clearly not an option they go this route instead. The rest of this trailer is a nonsensical montage that I don't even feel like dissecting, but here some lowlights:

  • The titles on the screen. "He's seen everything." "She's be grounded like... FOREVER." Clearly they are trying to either emulate or appeal to teenage girls. Don't they realize that if they're stooping to the intellectual level of teenage girls, that there is literally no lower place to go on the intelligence scale. Babies are smarter than teenage girls because babies aren't influenced by a cocktail of horrible hormones and Gossip Girls. 
  • The thief starts to say the classic Rapunzel line, "Let down your beautiful hair." But before he can finish, she does and it crushes him under its weight. This, again, is a comedy highlight of the movie. Then the horse starts laughing. Shut up. Seriously. I hate horses enough as it is.
  • The fact that half the trailer is scored by Pink's Trouble. Aside from being a horribly annoying song it makes no sense. "I'm trouble. Yeah trouble now. I'm trouble ya'll. Trouble in my town." WHAT?! First of all it doesn't fit with anything that going on. Second, who's trouble?! Is in the thief? Well it's playing while he's getting beaten up, so apparently he's not very trouble at all. Is it the girl? The 90 lb soaking wet girl who can use her hair as tentacles to lift hundreds of pounds? I don't think she would enjoy being referred to as trouble. Is it that lizard who clearly has some kind of gay, ear-licking obsession with the thief? Well if I call him trouble now, I'll just come off homophobic so we'll go with no. Is it the horse? Clearly not. But he's going to be in trouble if I find the number to that glue factory my second cousin works at. So just to clear up, the only reason for this horrible song to be in this horrible trailer is so the horrible movie can seem pop culture-y and current. Except that song came out in 2003. Epic Fail. 
Overall this looks like its going to be quite the blotch on Disney's record. And I don't care how you Disney whores try to convince me, I'm not going to change my mind. But once you see it, you'll be likely to change yours... 

Soupy twist.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Inception Trailer A Capella Redub

OK, I stumbled upon this little gem and thought I'd share it with you all. The title is pretty self explanatory. Watch... erm... I mean, listen to this and enjoy.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Movie Review: Piranha 3D

Sometimes a movie comes out that is just so bad that its brilliant. That is the kind of movie Piranha 3D tries to be. And fails. It has its sweet parts of course. Like when two people are carrying a Piranha-eaten girl out of the water and she breaks in half. Or when a girls hair gets caught in the propeller of a boat and she gets scalped. Or when Jerry O'Connell dies so he has to stop talking (even though he doesn't.) But I'm getting ahead of myself! Onto the plot!

There isn't one! Basically, a beer bottle causes a earth quake that leads to hundreds of previously cannibalistic prehistoric piranhas to be released on a Spring Break party lake. As you can imagine, terror ensues.  

The characters were awful. But they were very predictable in that they did everything that badly written characters in horror movies have to do. The boy who's supposed to be baby sitting his siblings, instead abandons them and runs off right into the arms (or teeth) of awaiting danger. The kids, of course, don't stay put like they're supposed to and later must be rescued. My biggest problem is: If you're making a movie called Piranha 3D, which is purposefully, and shamelessly all about boobs and blood, why do you need all the moral dilemmas? Just have fun with it! We don't come to these movies to watch the ugly boy (who I'm a better actor than) apologize to his Sheriff mom about being an irresponsible baby sitter. We come for boobs and blood. And yes this movie had it, but that I couldn't even enjoy. Why? I'm a Buddhist. Why else? The terrible 3D. 

I love Avatar 3D. It's incredible. Especially in IMAX.  It turns an awesome movie into a breath taking experience. There is absolutely no reason to see any other movie in 3D at this point. Nothing stands up. It's just a gimmick and in this movie it was a nauseating, head ache inducing gimmick. I guess you can consider what this movie did 3D, but it really just looked like a pop up book. The screen was flat, and heads and fish and boobs stuck out at you making you go cross eyed. It was not enjoyable and it ruined all the sweet blood in the movie for me.

Conclusion? This was always going to be a bad movie but it should have been an awesome bad movie. The people who made it, however, weren't talented enough to make a good bad movie so they ended up with just a really bad bad movie.  It makes me sad sad.

One good this came out of this movie. And this is this terrific For Your Consideration ad they made. It's awesome.


I am legally required to inform you that I'm not really Buddist.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Worst Trailers: "Alpha and Omega"

Ok lets face it, there a lot of crap coming out right now. Like, pretty much everything. I've seen three good movies this year. And it's August. Thank God for Edgar Wright or I would have had a very crappy birthday movie month. We blamed the crap assaulting us on the writers strike for a while, but can we really use that excuse anymore or have they just completely stopped trying? The evidence points to B. So what can we do? Not go to the movies anymore? Well I work there so please don't do that. If Harkins goes under, I'll be the first to get cut. I'm just Poster Guy (official job title and registered super-hero name.) Yes if I lost my job, the desperation would probably bring out the best writing of my career, but without constant movie knowledge streaming through my head I'd probably just write about death and depression and black birds and stuff. Not the kind of blog you all signed up for I know. So since avoiding the theater like the plague as you perhaps should is out of the question, what can you do? Cope. I bet you thought I was going to write something super eloquent and inspiring there huh? Fooled ya! Hahaha! Guess you don't know all of my tricks do you? But seriously all we can do at this point is cope and wait for the one good movie a month that comes out. (And thats one good movie a month in summer, just wait until, say, September - November *shudder*.) How do we cope, you ask? Assassinate the cast of Grown Ups! Read this blog! Glean wisdom and discernment. That way when you inevitably find yourself seated in a movie that's going drain your intelligence at a stupefying pace, you can make it out alive. The trailer currently draining my intelligence at a stupefying pace whenever if plays is another awful animated kids movie: Alpha and Omega.

Now I'm not going to go on another rant about how the people who make these movies are killing our countries prospects at any kind of intellectual future. And I'm not going to make another awesome graph proving this theory. I'm just going to point out the ironic fact that if we keep subjecting our kids to kids movies that aren't WALL*E, they will end up looking and acting a lot like the humans in WALL*E. Just saying. Lets take a detailed look at this trailer.

First of all I have to mention that this is one of the worst edited trailers I've ever seen. Dialogue and video is dropped in out of context at random places sometimes to try and make sense of the mess, but mostly as a cheap attempt at humor. I'll point this out to you as I notices it.  

And right out of the gate we have Annoying Trailer Narrator Guy (ATNG, Official Title). Since this movie has no plot, he has to pretend it does and inform us with just what we need to get through the trailer with some semblance of understanding. I will attempt to make the obvious even more obvious sans the winky wolf allusions, and replacing them with something we can all understand; High School social statuses. Kate is the straight A's head cheer leader. Humphrey is the socially awkward chess nerd presumably with some inner beauty or some shit like that. Notice how the ATNG says, "Humphrey is at the bottom of the heap," and then all the other wolves heap on top of him. Hahahahaha! It's already clever! "Get your butt out of my face!" Humphrey cries. Then he spits. Can wolves spit? I'm going to hope that you can figure that one out for yourself. If you can, you're already smarter than the hundreds of people that worked on this movie. Cue the obtrusive guitar music as Kate giggles at the whole butt-spitting interchange. This annoys me because it sets up the kind of 'humor' that is going to run through this whole trailer and, presumably, movie. P.S. Don't forget the butt thing! It comes back later!

If my likening this movie to a cliche High School comedy needed any substantiation, we just got it as the gaggle of awkward teen boy-wolves ogle Kate as she flips her hair in slow motion. Could this movie get any more contrived? Let me reaffirm that this is their sense of humor. Heaven help us. Then, the law gets laid down. "Humphrey you know the rules. She's an Alpha. You're an Omega." Oh no! Forbidden love! We haven't seen this plot point in absolutely everything for the last 500 years! I wonder how it will come out in the end! Could she possibly get over her superior breeding and stoop to this homely goof's level and find true love?! Of course! Because the stupid unattractive person always get the hot popular one in the movies! It keeps us in real life dreaming and chasing after people who are too good for us and then morosely wondering why we stay single. Ah, America.

"We can eat together, but we can't... you know... howl together." Sex joke. In a kids movie. About wolves. Awesome. Is that supposed to appeal the parents in the audience? As the proud brother of an 11 year old and the proud parent of several deceased cats and one deceased bamboo plant named Franklin, I can tell you that I don't find that enticing at all.

Then ATNG teamed with some really bad wolf voice acting we get a pseudo witty super plot download. Kate and Humphrey are far from home! Idaho! To Repopulate! (Sex joke # 2 ensues). This movie gets originality points for one thing; it's not often you see a plot where people or animals want to escape back to Canada. Kudos.

They jump in a rusty bed of a truck and we get a classic interchange where Humphrey "has to go." "Can't you hold it?" "No! I can't!" he says with all the over dramatics and bad acting of a jr. high school girl. Then they run into a bunch of bears and Humphrey shakingly declares that he "just went." Notice it never shows his mouth as he's saying this. Because this bit of dialogue was added in from another part of the movie as an attempt to make a joke. These are the kinds of comic geniuses we're dealing with here!

I'm not going to even address the awfulness of that whole "grab my tail scene" except for the AWFUL voice acting on Justin Long's part. A bunch of more nonsensical stuff follows involving trains, flirtation dialogue and giggling wolves. I swear if that wolf giggles one more time I'm going to throw a snowball at it... Oh... Humphrey just did that. Wait... how did he pick up the snow or form the ball without fingers and opposable thumbs? I guess we shouldn't focus on every flaw in there or this post will turn into War and Peace (originally titled War! What is it Good For? btw). I'll just hit a couple more points.

  • The awful stoner wolf calling Humphrey 'that sly dog.' Get it? Because wolves are related to dogs!
  • 'New breed of adventure!' Get it? Because they're wolves not... whatever they think the normal breed of adventure refers to.
  • "Do you trust me?" Yes that is a very overused cliche. Yes it was awesomely romantic in Titanic, Aladdin, and Epic Fletcher. No it's not awesome here. It's awful. And seriously what's up with the horrible voice acting?!
  • The wolf grabbing onto the goose's feet and using its apparently sufficient strength to water-ski. What's he grabbing on with? His paws? I don't know either. And doesn't it take something as powerful as a boat to get enough speed and momentum to keep one suspended above water? Then then of course the goose flies the wolf into a moose's butt. Cue the obviously out of place "Oh! Again with the butts!" and the even more out of place shot of Kate looking awkward. It says a lot about your comedy prowess if you make it look that hard to just crack one joke about asses.
  • The shamelessly blatant advertisement for 3D at the end of the trailer with a goose hitting a golf ball at the audience. "Watch this." It's like they're not even trying to be clever. Or maybe that is them trying. *Shudder*.
I do like one tiny little thing about the trailer and that's the foreign goose's voice at the end. No, I don't like anything he says or does, but his accent is cool. I want that goose's accent to read books to me and stuff. But besides one case of not-horrible voice casting this movie has nothing going for it. At all.
If there ever was a movie to skip bringing the fam to, this is it.

Soupy Twist.

Long Time

Hey blollowers. I don't know if anyone is still reading this but I owe you all an apology. I haven't written in like a month. Have I been busy? Kinda. Excusably busy? Not even close. But i did have a couple guilty pleasure marathons on netflix just like that Vitamin water commercial told me to do. I finished the rest of season 4 of Heroes. It was such bad TV i almost didn't survive. What were the writers thinking? I seriously didn't know that such untalented people were still allowed not only to be alive, but to work in Hollywood. If this was China, they all would have been aborted to maintain a pure bloodline. Maybe those squinty eyes know a little bit more than we give them credit for. I also watch Spartacus: Blood and Sand. It was completely ridiculous and kinda entertaining. It started out terribly but got pretty decent toward the end. Then I watched Better Off Ted, the latest cancelled great (well, maybe just good) comedy. It was goofy but had some pretty witty lines and scenarios. Following that I finished the first season of V which is turning out to be pretty intriguing. Plus Elisabeth Mitchell is amazing. So yes, that is the smut I've been wasting my time on since I wrote last time. Like I said, no excuse. So to make it up to you I have decided to address one of Hollywoods Greatest Mysteries: The EGOT. If you know what that is, I have trained you well. If you do not, GO WATCH 30 RIGHT NOW!!!!!! That's not a request. It's a requirement for all devoted Blollowers. Anyway I thought this would be a pretty interesting segue back into my world of blogging.

1. Richard Rodgers (composer): Oscar ('It Might as Well be Spring' from 'State Fair,' 1945); Tony ('South Pacific,' 1950); Grammy ('The Sound of Music,' 1960); Emmy ('Winston Churchill: The Valiant Years,' 1962)

2. Helen Hayes (actress): Oscar ('The Sin of Madelon Claudet,' 1932); Tony ('Addie,' 1947); Emmy (Best Actress for roles including Harriet Beecher Stowe on 'Medallion Theatre,' 1953); Grammy (Best Spoken Word Recording for 'Great American Documents,' 1976).

3. Rita Moreno (actress): Oscar ('West Side Story,' 1961); Grammy (Best Recording for Children, 'The Electric Company,' 1972); Tony ('The Ritz,' 1975); Emmy ('The Muppet Show,' 1977)

4. John Gielgud (actor, director): Tony ('Big Fish, Little Fish,' 1961) ; Grammy ( Best Spoken Word for 'Ages of Man,' 1979); Oscar ('Arthur,' 1981); Emmy ('Summer's Lease,' 1991)

5. Audrey Hepburn (actress): Oscar ('Roman Holiday,' 1953); Tony ('Ondine,' 1954); Emmy ('Gardens of the World with Audrey Hepburn,' 1993); Grammy (Best Spoken Word Children's Album, 'Audrey Hepburn's Enchanted Tales,' 1994)

6. Marvin Hamlisch (composer): Oscar ('The Way We Were' and 'The Sting,' 1973); Grammy ('The Way We Were,' 1974); Tony (1976); Emmy ('Barbra Streisand: The Concert,' 1995).

7. Jonathan Tunick (composer): Oscar ('A Little Night Music,' 1977); Emmy ('Night of 100 Stars,' 1982); Grammy (Best Musical Arrangement, 'No One is Alone,' 1988); Tony (Outstanding Orchestration for 'Passion' 1994)

8. Mel Brooks (writer, director): Oscar (Best Screenplay, 'Bialystock and Bloom,' 1968); Emmy ('Mad About You,' 1997); Grammy ( Best Spoken Comedy Album, 'The 2000 Year Old Man in the Year 2000,' 1998); Tony ('The Producers,' 2001)

9. Mike Nichols (comedian, director, producer): Grammy ('An Evening With Mike Nichols and Elaine May,' 1961); Tony ('Barefoot in the Park,' 1964); Oscar (Best Director, 'The Graduate,' 1967); Emmy (Director, 'Wit,' 2001)

10. Whoopi Goldberg (comedian, actress, host): Grammy (Best Comedy Recording, 'Whoopi: Original Broadway Recording,' 1985); Oscar ('Ghost,' 1990); Emmy ('Beyond Tara: The Extraordinary Live of Hattie McDaniel,' 2002); Tony (Producer, 'Thoroughly Modern Millie,' 2002)

Ten people in history have snagged the coveted EGOT. (Or EGOTed if you want to use it in verb form.) Strangely enough Barbara Streisand and Liza Minnelli are also on this  list, but I'm not including them because their Tony's are honorary, not competitive awards. And in the words of the great quote I'm making up right now, "Those who don't compete... just die or something."

Now, I can tell you that it won't be long before I write again. I'm trying to discipline myself in all the important areas of life; homework, money, food, and blogging. Right now I am at a Paradise Bakery, blogging because I have no homework, and eating a salad. It did cost me ten dollars, but hey! three out of four ain't bad right?

Sorry again and Soupy Twist!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Movie Review: "Splice"

I have spent a lot of time trying to think about how to describe this movie. I can't. I can't figure out if this movie is good or not. Honestly I don't know if I loved it, or I'm too scared of what it'll do to me if I say that I don't like it. It's entirely batsh*t crazy, but i think in the way that Howard Hughes was batsh*t crazy in that it might be brilliant too. I think the only way I can fully describe how I feel about this film is to show you. This was my face for pretty much the entire film:

See the mingled fear, confusion, disgust and oh-no-they-di'en't!!! all over my face. This movie took me places I never wanted to go, but that I don't regret going. It's a dark grotesque family drama and I kinda loved it. I've come to the conclusion that they made me feel exactly how they wanted me to feel. No film has ever made me feel this one which means that it was incredibly effective so I think they actually achieved what they wanted to. I don't know what sick mind would make me want to feel those things but they were successful. Well done.


Movie Review: "Jonah Hex"

Ugh so I got paid to watch this movie at the midnight with an audience and I still texted through the whole thing. I was going to try to be clever and funny but someone else already did it for me. I agree with everything this guys says and he says it better than I would so just read it. 

And perhaps the best part, the expository dialog.  Expository dialog gets a bad rap — dialog that provides backstory and moves the story along isn’t bad in and of itself, but in Jonah Hex, it’s terrible.  Awesomelyterrible.  Probably ninety percent of the film is expository dialog, with the characters going off on some soliloquy that’s all but meaningless to the plot anyway. I would tell you to make a drinking game out of it and drink every time there was hilariously expository dialog, but you might die.
The film begins with Jonah Hex telling us his entire life story via voice over, just so we’re properly caught up when he kills some random people with a horse-mounted gatling gun in the first scene.  Soon after, we need to know who the villain is.  This is accomplished through a meeting between President Ulysses S. Grant and his right-hand man, Lieutenant Cornelius P. Mustache, played by Will Arnett.  They express worry over a rogue Confederate general, Quentin Turnbull.  “Do you know what Turnbull’s Mexican servants called him?” Grant asks rhetorically.  “‘El Terorista,’” he answers.
But what does ‘El Terorista’ mean???  THE WORLD MAY NEVER KNOW.
From there, Jonah Hex kills some more people.  Wouldn’t you know it, they keep trying to F with him.  But all he cares about are two things, collecting bounties and finding Quentin Turnbull, the man who burned his family alive.  Hex is an outlaw (who’s nice to animals).  But all that changes when Quentin Turnbull fakes his own death for some reason, and instantly resurfaces with a super weapon built by Eli Whitney.  We know this because Turnbull draws up a giant diagram of the weapon on the wall.  He explains to his right-hand man that it was built by Eli Whitney, “the man who invented the cotton gin and started the industrial revolution.”  You know, that thing that happened a few weeks prior.
We’re not sure why Turnbull’s men follow him, but they must really like him because they chant “TURNBULL! TURNBULL! TURNBULL!” whenever he’s around.  Of course, with Turnbull hell bent on destroying the country for some reason, the country’s only hope may be the outlaw Jonah Hex.  Which we know because President Grant tells Will Arnett, “This outlaw Jonah Hex may be our country’s only hope.”
From there, Jonah Hex teams up with the army to go after Quentin Turnbull.  And by “teams up with the army,” I mean they deputize him in a whore house, leave together, and then never again appear in a scene together  for the rest of the movie. After that, Jonah Hex goes to an underground MMA fight featuring an acid-spitting reptile man for some reason.  Actually, there is a reason, and that reason is “because it’s awesome.”  Oh, and did I mention the reptile man’s MMA moves incorporate parkour?  Because f*ck yeah they do.
Point being, Hex prefers to go it alone.  In the process, he gets killed like six times.  And every time he dies, he gets resuscitated by faceless Indians who exist solely for that purpose.  Also, they’re Crow indians so crows follow Jonah Hex wherever he goes.  And if you’re worried that all that dying is going to be boring, don’t be, because every time he kind of dies, he FIGHTS QUENTIN TURNBULL IN PURGATORY!  At one point, the scene intercuts between Hex beating up Turnbull in real life while simultaneously beating him up in some murky dream state.  KILL HIM TWICE!  MAKE HIM DEAD!
Oh right, Jonah Hex can revive dead people to talk to them.  You’d think he’d use this power to maybe apologize to all the random dudes he killed, or to ask, “Hey, so what’s up with the afterlife?  Is it all ice cream and sluts or what?”  But mainly he just uses it to PUNISH THEM EXTRA!  Not only can he talk to dead people, he can touch them and make their skin burn for some reason (which is useful for getting information).  “The less time they been dead, the faster it happens,” he helpfully informs us.  Uh, okay.  Look, the main reason I mention this is because at one point, Jonah Hex kills a guy, then immediately revives him so that he can PUNCH HIM INTO A MILLION SPARKS!  OOH WAH-AH AH AH!
I don’t want to spoil much more of it, but this might the most OOH WAH-AH AH AH-iest movie I’ve ever seen.  Okay, I’m going include just one more detail, because I think it sums up the movie as a whole: Quentin Turnbull, who plans to destroy the US Capitol with his super weapon on the 4th of July, plans to fire this weapon from aboard his ship coming up the Potomac.  As this ship steams towards the Capitol, one of Turnbull’s men takes aim through the periscope.  We cut to the guy’s POV looking through the periscope.  I sh*t you not, the periscope sight has the outline of the US Capitol building drawn into it.
Jeez, it’s a good thing they approached the capitol from precisely the same angle.  And it’s a good thing I saw this movie so that I could tell you about it.  Grown Ups and Knight and Day open this weekend.  F*ck those movies.  See this one.  I guarantee you’ll be talking about it longer."

Good stuff. I would like to add that this supposed weapon that Eli Whitney invented to destroy the world is some kind of bomb that looks like an effing dragonball. I'M NOT KIDDING! This movie is probably the worst thing I've seen this year. And that's really tough competition because everything sucks this year. Everything.


Sunday, June 27, 2010

Best Thing Ever...

So I know I haven't posted in way too long. I'll get to it i promise. But just to keep you guys tied over, I came across a pretty brilliant little video. Now just watch this over and over (trust me, you'll want to) until i post again. Peace.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Movie Review: "MacGruber"

I'll admit I had very low expectations walking into this movie. SNL hasn't been funny or made funny movies since I was in diapers (that was more recently than you'd expect). In fact Andy Samburg may top my list at the 'entertainer' I hate the most in the world. He's clearly an idiot and the people that think he's funny are what's killing the intelligence of our nation. I'm tempted to make another graph here about what's rotting American youth. Even previously funny SNL stars and writers have turned to movies like Land of the Lost and the worst of the worst, Step Brothers. I rant more about Step Brothers here. I'm not allowed to say anything else negative about it however so lets move on. 

Logically there is no reason to believe that a movie written by people from SNL, starring people from SNL, and directed by a writer of SNL would be anything better than the worst thing ever. So, I was pleasantly surprised when it wasn't the worst thing ever. It was, in fact, rather hysterical and so stupid it's almost brilliant. There is quite the fine line between satire and spoof: satire is Shaun of the Dead- smart, clever, and subtle while spoof is Scary Movie 4- loud, obvious, and making quite sure everyone including the dimmest of people get the jokes they're trying to make. I like satire. I think it's more what comedy should be. But some of the greatest comedy films in history are spoofs (namely Airplane! and Monty Python and the Holy Grail). Good spoofs these days, however are like unicorns. I'm here to say that Macgruber is a good spoof. Everything going on in it is incredibly ridiculous, yet it is performed with such sincerity. Characters in a comedy should never know they are in a comedy. That's the golden rule and Macgruber follows it. I enjoyed myself and laughed a lot. It wasn't a great movie, but it was a good ride.


Friday, June 4, 2010

Movie Review: "Shrek Forever After"

Oh the humanity! Why did we need another Shrek movie?! Quick answer: The last one made more than it cost. Who cares if they were stretching the story of one film over the span of four! As long as there's butts in the seats! It seems as if this is going to be last in this series. That's what they say at least, but they also said that about many other one-named sequel spawning monsters (Freddie, Jason, Jigsaw, Carrie [that's Carrie Bradshaw from Sex and the City. Not Carrie from Carrie based on the novel Carrie by Stephen King {though that sported at least one unnecessary sequel and/or remake as well}]).  However we still have to suffer through this movie and as it so proudly boats, "It's not ogre till its ogre." Who wants to bet the tag-line for Shrek Five-Ever After will be, "It wasn't ogre."

Anyway this movie thinks up some other ridiculous obstacle to put in the way of our favorite two ogre's true happiness. This fumbling of originality is of course covered in a very pretty, fairy-tale-spoofing package. Like with any satirical series that goes on long after it runs out of gas, (Glee anyone?) it has become almost a mockery of itself. Proof of these "creative minds" (awkward, pubescent cousin to Criminal Minds on CBS) losing their touch is clearly evidenced by the plot: Mid-life crisis Shrek gets sucked into an alternate universe and has to re-woo Fiona before the sun comes up or he and his old life cease to exist. If you've resorted to other dimensions, you should probably just pack it in right now. The only story to ever make this sub plot OK was Power Rangers and that's only because all those other dimensions ever consisted of were huge battle rooms adorned with constant fake fog. Maybe, also, it's because I was a kid then, I didn't really understand what was going on, and I though 'alternate dimension' was that studio that made the Mortal Kombat movies (which were, coincidentally enough, often shot in battle rooms with constant fake fog.)

Anyway this is all because of a curse put on by Rumplestilskin who makes a deal with Shrek blah blah blah. I don't care. Neither should you. It's pointless really. It is a completely harmless film. OKish to take the kids too. It's not good Dreamworks like Panda or Dragon but it's not awful Dreamworks like Madagascar or Shark Tale. It falls somewhere in the middle. Its probably even better than the last Shrek film which was just a retread of the second one which was a fancy retread of the first one which was a decently clever retread of Beauty and the Beast. If you miss this you're not missing anything. If you see it you're not totally wasting two hours of your life.  I do want to point out one really ridiculous thing though. One thing that re-proves, even though they had a kinda decent year, that Dreamworks is still a one trick donkey:


Soupy Twist

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Movie Review: "Prince of Persia"

Called it! If you are a long time blollower or fan (which is basically all of you since I've been at this exactly 58 days) you know that in my wildly acclaimed post, Worst Trailers 2: The Squeakquel I said this: "...mark my words, it will be one of the worst films of [this] year." Consider them marked. Boo to the ya! If you're confused about what's happening here, you're not the only one, sometime my fingers work faster than my brain, but that's not the point!  The point is six months ago I said pretty much everything that needed to ever be said about this film right here. This movie is just a mish mash of crap they pulled from all the other successful movies of this genre and then peanut-butter-and-jellied together into one big old sticky mess. I'm not really going to elaborate on that much, just going to tell you a couple of thoughts I had while getting paid to watch this movie:

  • They try to throw in this plot twist where he thinks his brother killed his father, but then it was really his uncle that killed his father. One problem- his uncle is played by Ben Kinglsey. How the f*** do you have an uncle who looks like somebody who might be played by Ben Kinglsey and not immediately know he's the bad guy. I live my life by this principle. Anyone who looks like they could be played by Ben Kinglsey in the eventual made for TV movie of my life, I immediately shun them.  I've never had to bring a mystical dagger of time to the secret guardian temple. Just saying. 
  • Once we establish that Ben Kinglsey is actually the bad guy (surprise!) he goes back to a secret lair where he has a group of magic ninja's with grenades who can control the weather and speak parseltongue. Not kidding.
  • During one of these some-kind-of-demon summoned sand storms Jake and Hot Princess who hate each other (of course) take refuge in a small tent that, when we see it from the outside, is essentially a blinket draped over some sticks. It looked like Eeyore's hovel. But that's not the point. The point is during the terrible sand storm Jake, Hot Princess, and half of their horse take refuge under it and it is there, for the first time, that their hands caress each others and they look deep into each others eyes. They don't kiss yet because they have to spend the whole rest of the movie looking deep into each others eyes. Too... much... sexual... tension... blaaaaaaa! 
  • And just when you thought they couldn't cram one more little cliche in there up pops an end of the world sub plot. Geez. 
  • One more thing, this movie is so unoriginal it couldn't even come up with its own score. It had to steal it. From the Mask of Zorro. You can't fool me Jake Gyllenhaal. I saw The Mask of Zorro three times in theaters. I know what the score sounds like!
All in all it was a waste of my time and if I wasn't getting paid for it, I would have started a facebook page, much in the vain of the one that got Betty White to host SNL, to assasinate Jake Gyllenhaal. He was really awful here. Like really awful. Like please remind me if you were ever good in anything awful. The director of this is Mike Newell who is the only man to take over a franchise from bad director Chris Columbus and actually make a worse film (Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire). This is even worse than that. 


P.S. Have I plugged this link enough today? (That's what she said)

P.P.S. First person to catch the Community reference gets two free movie tickets.
