Friday, December 31, 2010

Best TV Shows of 2010 1-2

Well here it is. The big moment. The moment you all (and by you all, I mean me and two others) have been waiting for for three long days. Surprisingly we had a couple people guess, and I was very impressed wtih their knowledge of me. Addisen, I'm not suprised you knew what was going on, but Danielle, color me surprised! I don't ever remember preaching Mad Men to you. Well done to both but, alas, only one can win. And to be honest I didn't even decide which order these two would go in until right now. I landed on a compromise I'm happy with so lets get down to business because I have to shower and go complain about my exorcism neighbors and pay my rent before work. Blerg

2. Mad Men

Now lets get one things straight. Mad Men is the best show on TV. Maybe ever. It has peerless writing and incredible acting from everyone in the cast. It's an unflinching portrayal of these peoples lives in this particular time in history and as far as historical accuracy goes, it's flawless. This season brought us possibly the best Mad Men Episode to date with The Suitcase. A nearly two man show between Don and Peggy. It was incredible roller coaster ride into their lives, minds and emotions. And Jon Hamm and Elizabeth Moss have never been better. I can't say anything negative about this show. So why is it at number two? Because it's my list and I do what I want. Mad Men, though phenomenal, doesn't give me the crazy, rewatchable joy that my number one pick does. So without further ado, I give you my pic for the Best Television Show of 2010....

1. Community

Is anyone really that surprised? No this show isn't perfect. It has several flaws. But when it's on, its ON. Its very smart and VERY funny but can also take the time to be very sweet as well. It's a show that do an episode where they have legitimate zombies and then tone it down for a one on one conversation containing great character development and heart. It can do anything. Its a show that just gives me great joy to watch and share. When my family was in town we hung out, ate, talked, and watched Community. It was terrific. It's a show that can bring people together. It's a show that can cause me to write horribly cliched sentences like the previous one. It's just a terrific show. It's the kind of show that I would want to work on. Hell, its the kind of show that I would want to live in. And it's the kind of show that I'm going to be watching and sharing for many years to come and that's what makes it the Best Show of 2010

So there we are. That was fun. Thanks everyone for participating. Addisen you will get you passes. And I will post one of these for the best films of 2010 as well when I've seen all in contention which should be some time next month so stay tuned. And until then my friends it's a good night from me.

Soupy Twist.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Best TV Shows of 2010 3-4

Ok I know I only posted the last post like six hours ago, but its my day off and that happens so rarely, I have NO idea what to do with myself, so I'm just laying in bed refreshing Facebook. I figured this would be more proactive.

#4. Dexter

Dexter had a tricky feat to pull off this season- following last season. Last season was incredible. Everyone knows it. John Lithgow and the writers brought us the best Dexter season yet and probably the best television show of last year. If I had made a list last year, Dex would have likely topped it. And it all ended with the "HOLY WTF??!?!?!" gut punch. Those who have seen it know what I'm talking about. Those who haven't shouldn't be reading this. Anyway how do you follow a season that is a shock a minute until the end? Dexter answered this question by crafting a much quieter season and it worked to great effect. Yes, it picked up toward the end like they all do, but much of it was slow and methodical. One of the things I credit to this season is the writing. It felt so natural and real. Story lines evolved in a way that didn't feel like a television show and that's a compliment. Seeds were planted in the first couple episodes that didn't bloom until the last couple. That's good writing. Top it all off with some amazing moments for Dexter and Michael C. Hall. That dude needs to win an Emmy. Julia Stiles guest starred this season and just in case someone hasn't caught up, I won't tell you what her role is, but she was pretty terrific. The story that goes on between her character and Dexter are some of the most touching and poignant ever on the show. And if a show about killing people can pull off being legitimately moving well, that's a testament to the power of the show as a whole.

#3. 30 Rock

I'm kind of a Tina Fey whore. I love her. I love everything she does. I think she's probably the funniest woman on the planet. But I don't just love 30 Rock for Tina Fey. I love it for Jack. I love it for Jenna. I love it for Kenneth. I love it for Liz. I love how much Liz loves eating. I love Liz and Jacks relationship. I love the numerous times Liz's name has been turned into some form of the word 'Lesbian' for a joke. I love the endless stream of terrific guest stars from Jon Hamm to Elizabeth Banks. From Matt Damon to the hysterical Michael Sheen. I love pretty much everything about 30 Rock. Why does it deserve #3? Because it make me laugh harder at something than I've ever laughed at anything in my entire life. How?This clip right here...

Oh 30 Rock. What would I do without you?

Tomorrow I will list the two best TV shows I watched this year. Same deal goes. Guess them = free movie. Hell, if anyone even cares enough to even read or comment on this, I'll probably buy them sushi or something.

Soupy Twist.

Best TV Shows of 2010 5-6

I've decided that for every remaining day of 2010 I will count down two of the six best TV shows I watched in 2010. I watch a lot of TV. A LOT. Thats why my room mate calls me Abed sometimes. And there's a very good chance there's several shows I'm not even remembering at this point that could potentially habitate this list. But these are the stand outs. Is habitate a word? I'm kinda tired and it's kinda late. There's a little red dotty line underneath it, but it sounds right on my brain. Oh well. I'm sure that one of you will tell me what word I meant there. Onto the count down.

6. Lost

If this ranking was bases on the series finale alone it would probably land at number one. However, before the finale there were 16 episodes of highs and lows. All in all it was quite a satisfying season, but loses points for all the meandering story-lines that had characters bouncing back and for between sides and good and evil to keep the plot moving. Also lost points for amount of questions unaddressed. I know that the answers weren't the most important thing to the show runners in the final season. They were more concerned about the character resolutions as they should be. And if given the choice between a final season created to make fans happy with what they think they want and a final season of the creators of the show giving us the end game they always envisioned, I'd take the latter every time, and I respect the creators for having the balls to pull it off in a world where audience expect everything catered to their desires and intelligence levels. I do think, however, that they could have stopped the coy, "I'll give you an answer and two more questions," game midway through the season and just started telling us what the hell was going on. Anyway, gripe aside, it was a phenomenal ending to a phenomenal show, and still, I think, the most satisfying ending possible.

5. The Walking Dead

When I first heard they were making a zombie show, I'm sure I moaned a little (zombie pun INTENDED). I hate fads and sadly zombies are a fad right now. Then, I found out it was going to be on AMC, and that it would be produced by Frank Darabont of Shawshank Redemption and The Green Mile fame. Darabont also make The Mist which, I believe, is one of the best horror films of last decade. So I was intrigued. When the show debuted in October, I was from intrigued to amazed. The pilot was one of the best episodes of TV I have ever seen. It was smart and bold and beautiful and moving. AND IT WAS A BLOODY ZOMBIE SHOW!!! (Pun intended). The rest of the season failed to quite live up to the brilliance of that first episode but I honestly don't think anything could.  It wasn't really a zombie show. It was a human show. It presented zombies in a way that was smart and as realistic as possible considering they're the walking dead and stuff. The show is grounded with a terrific leading performance from Andrew Lincoln who sadly, up to this point, was unknown to me. He's incredible here as is all of the supporting cast. Points off for too short of a season and too long of a wait until it comes back on. Overall though this show has overwhelming potential, and I can't wait to see what it does with it.

Well that's it for today. Check back tomorrow for #4 and #3 on the countdown. If you can guess one or both of them I will give you a chocolate... or a free movie pass. And please share your thoughts on this. I know I'm going to get some grief for putting Lost so low, but I think I defended my reasoning well and there is a lot of good TV on right now. Until tomorrow...

Soupy Twist.
