Monday, May 23, 2011


Well it's been nearly four month since I posted last which is pretty disgusting if you ask me. At least I left it on a cliffhanger eh? Lol... yeah I just laughed out loud at my own rambling and pathetic attempt at justification. Anyway lets pretend that that was the season finale and now we're coming back for a fresh season of Misseri Loves Company. I don't have school taking over my life anymore. I work a lot (big surprise) but that just gives me more material to write about. To be quite honest I felt very uninspired for a very long time. All of my reviews were sounding the same and I had a hard time being clever. If you have ever tried writing something without being inspired to do so, you know how difficult it can be. But, I want to be back! I have a couple things that I feel I have something to say about and can hopefully say it in a funny way. I know you guys have been waiting for me to write again, and truthfully if it weren't for you, I would have no reason to. You guys are amazing and I love that you get pleasure out of my words. I hope I haven't lost you all. I will try to be a better blogger. I'm sure that Julie from Julie and Julia went through rough patches too, but she still got to be in a movie with Meryl Streep so I'm holding onto hope! If you don't get the Julie and Julia reference read this.

Random thought! If I were to set up a twitter account where I would post short, hopefully funny, quips would you follow me? Would that be something that would whet your appetite for more Misseri Loves Company? Keep you over until the next post maybe? Let me know. The thought has crossed my mind, but I do this for you so it is up to you. I promise they would be funny. Let me know.

Now onto writing. I will be shortly be posting my best two pictures of last year (finally) as well as my pick for Best Actress. Just to get them out of the way. Then I will start on a couple subjects I feel very strongly about, so expect some good stuff! I will deliver it. Comment about the tweeting and come back to me my readers! I will try not to let you down again!

Soupy Twist


  1. I'm glad you're back! I almost forgot how to be sarcastic. And I'm NOT being sarcastic. The twitter thing would be cool, but I don't have a twitter account... So... Don't ask me to get one for you. :)

  2. I also don't have a twitter account, and would not like to have yet another web source demanding my attention. However, I think it's a marvelous idea and I would thoroughly enjoy some of your short ranting tid bits. Can you do that on Facebook?
    Emily Jane

  3. Well, I do have a twitter, so I would totally follow you.


  4. I would have to require you all follow me on twitter aaaand you need a twitter account to follow someone buuuuut you could sign up under a shifty pseudonym, activate text alerts and never touch it again. That way my thoughts and stuff come discreetly to your phone and no one ever has to know you have a twitter and you never have to use it!

  5. Hey! Long time no see. I understand the difficulties of keeping up with a blog, because I struggle keeping up with anything internet related. :-/ And I figured it was because of school. School eats up so much time.

    As for your Twitter question, yes, I would follow. I actually do not visit my Twitter at all (time issues), but if I follow one person, that would be all right. As long as you were actually funny, of course. ;-)

    Glad you are inspired again!

  6. I think twitter would be a great idea. I'd follow you!


