So I realized this morning that it's bloody monday I still don't have my Lost recap up from last week. So here it is:
LIBBY!!!!!!! It's so good to see her back, snogging Hurley and all. She was my post Kate, pre Juliet crush on Lost and her being back reignighted all those feelings. It was confusing. But wonderful! So how does this new world work, I mean she's dead in the island world, but she's very alive here. How the frak are these world going to collide? Consciousness traveling? Are they going to collide? What answers will we receive and when?!?!?
I was very happy to finally get a direct answer to one of Lost's oldest mysteries this week too. This was the first mystery they've solved without asking 500 more. The whispers are souls stuck on the island! Whew it feels good to actually know something. But what does this mean? What is the island exaclty? We know that it's the cork to keep evil from getting into the world, but what the frak does that really mean?! Question: Is there some ancient mythology thing where something was the lid on hell? No, we know the island isn't hell, but keeping evil at bay, and with many souls being trapped there could it be possible that it had something to do with hell after all?
Who the hell knows. That's not the point. The point is enjoying the ride and, even with the spectacular question draught still going, it is one hell of a ride.
I had an idea last episode (or maybe the episode before that, but who's counting?) We know the island can move through time, or at least move choice inhabitants through time with Sawyer, Juliet, Miles et. al. getting sent to Dharma past while the Others and Claire stayed firmly in the present. Have we considered the possibility that someone from the future may have already invaded our cast aways pretending to be one of them? Totally Ethan style, only not evil. Maybe they're there to help. It does seem odd how much Charles Widmore and Eloise Hawking know about everything isn't it? Or maybe it's not them. Maybe it's someone else. Who? Hell if I know, but it was a thought that struck me and I thought I'd share just in case it came true. Then I'd look like a genius.
Another thought. What was up with Ilana going all Arzt on us? Did she have no purpose in this season or this series at all? What has she really done? Discovered Real Johns body and... umm... had a very intene make out sesh with Sayid I guess. She did get him back to the island but dynamite?!?! What?! Who didn't see this coming? Oh well. I guess they felt the need to Nicki and Paolo her. RIP Ilana.
And as far as crazy, quick and (semi)unexpected demises go, what was up with Fake Locke (FLocke) throwing Des down the wonderful time traveling wishing well head first. He obviously can't be dead. They didn't bring him back and invest our time and love into him just to kill him off did they?! Or maybe this was Widmore's plan all along. We know he brought recently shot Des to the island to do something with mass amounts of electro magnestism. The island is full of those site, and we know the well is one of them. Is that why Des went with Sayid so easily? Is that why he was so calm when FLocke was all but oozing menace? (Gasp!) Did Des have a Charlie esque flash forward about his own future?! I'm going to leave you contemplating that thought.
One more thing before I wrap this up. You know what I'm talking about. That's right! Sideways Desmond running wheel chair entombed Sideways Lock over with his car. WTF?! Right?! Seriously! Actually I know why he did it. He needed to awaken Locke. Make him remember the island. The shot of Locke on the ground eerily mirror Locke's earliest awakening moments on The Island were no coincidence. Locke is waking up again. But to what avail? I suppose we will see that this week.
I can't seem to find who exactly this episode centers on so it maybe be an everybody episode. Until next week (or tomorrow or whenever I get around to my next recap),
Soupy Twist
P.S.! Just had another thought that I wanted to add on. The whispers are souls trapped on the island. All they want is to move on, to escape their island prison. Isn't this exacly what Smokey wants? Is the a coincidence? I think not most likely. Is he the keeper of the souls? Is that why he can appear as any of them. He's always appeared as the dead correct? So is he their master? Or is he simply a very powerful trapped soul himself desiring to move on. Debate!
Okay so I loved reading this blog. I'm actually typing it as I watch the new episode, so I will do my best to not reveal anything new...
ReplyDeleteI am so happy we know what the whispers are! I think this goes along with that the island really is. Perhaps it's purgatory or limbo, who knows. I like the idea of one of the people being from the future helping them along.
Desmond in the well is kind of covered in tonight's episode and I do think he went with Locke for a reason, but I'm not totally sure yet. We'll see...
Also, I should start charging you for re- using my witty remarks!