There's nothing more desperate than filming an entire movie in 2D technology, and then after seeing the success that Avatar had in 3D, pushing back your movie a week and hastily converting the whole thing into 3D. This is the problem with the film industry. It's all about the money and not about the craft. We are currently in one of the worst recessions in our countries history. That, if nothing else, should tip off to the fact that Americans really don't know how to spend their money wisely. That's mirrored in their making Transformers 2 the second highest grossing film last year, and people actually going to see this in 3D. It's sad and stupid but people do it. Good for them, as businessmen, to ride on the coat tails of a much better and revolutionary film. Bad for them as film makers.
You can say what you want about Avatar and its story. Yes we've seen those elements before, but no one can argue that it wasn't a gorgeous, mind-blowing visual feast; an experience in 3D unlike any we've ever seen or probably will see for a while (at least until Avatar 2). I cannot fault films like Up or How to Train Your Dragon, because these were actually made in 3D. Also they implement 3D in the way that Avatar did- to enhance the story, not distract from it. Films like Alice in Wonderland and Clash of the Titans that convert later not only look like piss but are just a gimmick to get more money out of their mediocre films. It's annoying.
Now I know this is supposed to be a review about the film and I have barely mentioned it so here we go. It wasn't awful. It was exactly what you expect with this kind of movie; lots of action, not much dialogue or acting. It desperately tries to be better ancient war adventure films with everything from short skirts (Gladiator) to fun/crazy side characters (Braveheart). Don't forget monsters who see through their hands (Pan's Labyrinth)! I will admit, I had fun. I've been getting into Greek Mythology a lot lately, and that aspect of it was interesting to me. Was it accurate? Probably not. But what do you expect?! They're action film makers! Not historians or book readers!
I did like this film. It wasn't good but I enjoyed it for what it was. Ralph Fiennes, always terrific, makes for a legitimately frightening Hades. And what the frak is up with Liam Neeson constantly playing ficticious gods?

(He voiced Aslan in the Narnia movies if you don't get the reference)
Soupy Twist.
so, thought i'd point out something for you that you might like to know. i saw this movie a couple of weeks ago and could not get past the fact that 90% of the plot of this movie was the exact same as percy jackson and the olympians. except i had a WAY funner time watching percy jackson. this movie was trying way too hard to be epic. also, the chick that played their guide or whatever is just kind of annoying to me. anyways, percy jackson ruled this movie.